Receive Your Refund

Refund schedule

Courses scheduled 9-16 weeks in length:
For withdrawal during:Refund Credit
1st week of classes100% of course fees
2nd week of classes75% of course fees
3rd week of classes50% of course fees
4th week of classes25% of course fees
5th week of classes and beyondNo Refund
Courses scheduled 5-8 weeks in length:
For withdrawal during:Refund Credit
1st week of classes100% of course fees
2nd week of classes50% of course fees
3rd week of classesNo refunds
Courses scheduled 2-4 weeks in length:
For withdrawal during:Refund Credit
1st and 2nd "day" of classes100% of course fees
3rd and 4th "day" of classes50% of course fees
5th "day" of classes and beyondNo Refund
Courses scheduled 1 week or less in length:
For withdrawal during:Refund Credit
1st "day" of classes100% of course fees
2nd "day" of classes50% of course fees
3rd "day" of classes and beyondNo Refund

How to get your refund

Direct deposit is the quickest and safest way to receive your refund. We’ll transfer the refund amount directly to your bank account.

Set up direct deposit for your refund